As an author, one of the biggest challenges we face is getting our books noticed amongst the millions of titles published each year. Effective book marketing is crucial to attracting readers and building a audience in today’s digital world. In this post, I’ll share tips and strategies for promoting your book online.


1.1     Establish an Author Website and Platform

Having an author website is essential for building an online presence that allows potential readers to learn more about you and your work. Your site should include bio information, book descriptions and sample chapters. It’s also a place to house your email list sign-up for launching a newsletter campaign.

I recommend starting a blog as another way to drive traffic to your site. Write articles related to your genre to demonstrate your expertise. Share the content across social media to continually engage with followers. Your website acts as your online hub to broadcast all of your marketing efforts.


1.2    Grow Your Email List and Social Media Following

One of the most valuable book marketing tools is your email list. Your subscribers have expressed interest in your content and are likely to purchase your new releases. I place sign-up forms throughout my website and encourage newsletter sign-ups at events. I also regularly grow my following across platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Goodreads.

Connect with others in your industry and post high-quality, shareable content to attract new people. Share snippets from your book and intriguing discussion questions. Respond to comments and messages to build genuine connections online. A large engaged community amplifies buzz for your book promotions.


1.3    Run Pre-Order Campaigns

Launching pre-order specials through your website or retailers is a clever way to build early sales momentum and interest before official publication dates. I aim to start pre-orders 2-3 months in advance and have found success with exclusive bonus content incentives.

Announce pre-order availabilities across all of your marketing channels. Send targeted emails to lists and boost relevant posts on social media. Mention pre-orders in blog articles, interviews and events as well. The goal is to drive as many early birds as possible prior to wider bookstore placements.


1.4    Partner with Bloggers and Influencers

Reaching new readers through influential book bloggers and reviewers is a must for building broader awareness. I provide review copies along with compelling pitches highlighting what makes my story unique. Tailor selections based on blogs and reviewers with engaged readers matching your genre and themes.

Give bloggers freedom to post reviews organically without requirements while still sending reminders about your book coming soon. Monitor coverage and engage thoughtfully with any feedback. You want influential readers excited to evangelize your story on their platforms naturally.


1.5    Hold Virtual Book Launch Events

Hosting virtual events is a fun, interactive way to promote book releases during Covid restrictions or for authors in remote areas with small local audiences. I schedule launch parties on platforms like Facebook Live or Instagram TV with planned discussions, trivia and giveaways.

Promote heavily ahead of time and offer an incentive for attendees like a free downloadable extras. Invite influencers to participate and encourage connections in chat. Record sessions to share across social later as promotional content. Virtual events expand potential reach compared to local signings alone.


1.6    Get Placement on Bookstore and Retail Sites

While authors don’t directly control bookstore and retail site placement themselves, there are steps that increase chances of getting featured. I reach out to buyers with early review copies and pitch my title’s uniqueness and value to their customers.

Highlight any notable early praise, metrics like email list size demonstrating built-in demand or relevant awards/recognitions. Maintaining good terms with distributors will also help facilitate introductions. Featured placement then exponentially increases visibility and sales opportunities online and in physical locations.


1.7    Run Social Media Advertising Campaigns

Paid social media promotion through platforms like Facebook and Instagram ads allow targeted outreach beyond organic reach limits. I first analyze which demographics and interests align most closely with my target readers.

Ads can directly promote the book itself or drive traffic to your opt-in page, blog articles, giveaways etc. Test diverse creatives and offers to see what generates the best engagement metrics to refine ads. Monitor closely as costs rise, optimizing campaigns based on highest converting traffic sources. Ads supplement but don’t replace quality self-promotional content creation.


1.8    Cross-Promote Through Speaking Events

Any opportunity to directly engage with potential readers, whether book festivals, author talks or even virtual school visits, I seize as further book marketing touchpoints. Leverage events to grow your email list and social community while discussing the themes in your work.

Bring books to sell and have attendees sign up for advanced reader copies of your next release in exchange for getting their name in your acknowledgments page. Events cultivate fans and word-of-mouth buzz that bolster ongoing sales and build anticipation for future titles.


1.9    Conclusion

Combining traditional and innovative digital marketing strategies creates cohesive, continuous campaigns promoting books through all stages from pre-orders to sustained sales. With consistent efforts across comprehensive channels, authors connect their stories to readers despite challenges of today’s fragmented media landscape. An evolving multi-pronged online presence remains key to author success now and in the future.